Is it Hot in Here? No, You Just had a Personal Summer!

The hot flash is the scourge of the middle-aged woman – you’ve no doubt heard the battle cry, “Is it hot in here, or is it just me?” The prickling of the skin, rapid heart beat, pressure in your head… your skin flushes, you feel anxious, maybe a little dizzy, the sweat starts pouring off […]

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Diabetes: Know It’s Symptoms

Other than tracing one’s own family history to find out whether any relations have diabetes, how can a person know whether he or she has diabetes without first having a medical check-up?  This is the type of question people usually asked when they suspected that they might have diabetes. Like all diseases, diabetes does have […]

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Diabetes: Who is Likely to Get It!

Ever wondered who gets diabetes? It can be anyone and everyone and it can occur anywhere in the world. There are several factors that may give rise to diabetes. Knowing the possible factors as well who is in the high risks group will allow a person to be more informed and offer him the opportunity […]

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Lung Cancer Signs

Lung cancer occurs when cancerous cells develop in the lung’s tissue. It is the most common fatal cancer among men and women, and it is the number one killer in the world. Lung cancer has the highest mortality rate out of all the cancers combined. People with risk factors for developing the disease should have […]

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Weight Loss and Exercise for Diabetics

I’m sure you are quite aware of the fact that if your overweight your odds of developing Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes goes up dramatically. You also know that we aren’t talking about a few extra pounds; we are talking about 20 plus pounds. In other words we are talking about being obese. One […]

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When you Lose Your Beloved

Losing your partner may be one of the hardest things you ever go through. It is a traumatic and upsetting experience and it may feel like you’ll never get over it. You should give yourself time to grieve and come to terms with your loss and eventually you will be able to move on and […]

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Are you Grieving?

Are you grieving over the loss of a loved one? Whether you are around friends, family, acquaintances, or strangers, understand that grieving is a natural and normal part of life. If you are grieving and are having trouble being with others, here are a few ways to better deal with your loss.  1. Grieving is […]

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Guide to buying a Web Cam

How web broadcasting works Webcams are those handy little cameras that attach to your PC and send images to a web page that can be viewed by others. This enables you to share daily life events with friends and family in other parts of the country or the world, or to arrange a video-conference with […]

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Tips on Reducing your Debt

Nobody enjoys being up to their eyeballs in debt. I mean let’s face it life is hard enough without having to worry about how you’re going to pay bills that seem to keep piling up all around you. If you’re feeling this way I can assure you it’s not just you. Sadly millions of people […]

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Five ways to Start Losing weight

Some people find it hard to stick to diets and consistently fail to lose weight. They try nearly every kind of new dieting idea that comes along hoping that one of them would finally work, but the miracle never happens. Naturally, these people tend to overlook their own mistakes and fail to understand what prevents […]

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