(ARA) – Women may be known as the more talkative sex, but when it comes to certain sensitive health topics their lips are sealed – even with their closest friends. Nearly 40 percent of women with symptoms of bladder weakness have never discussed the problem with anyone, according to a recent survey.
In fact, nearly half of women who actually experience symptoms of bladder weakness – leakage or loss of urine – do not even acknowledge having the condition, and more women would be more willing to discuss sensitive issues such as mental health and infertility than bladder weakness, according to Bladder Talk, a North American survey sponsored by TENA – a leading brand of bladder protection products.
Dr. Lauri Romanzi, a board certified gynecologist with more than 20 years of experience in women’s health, offered additional insight into the survey results. “Women often try to cope with private or embarrassing issues such as bladder weakness on their own. This hesitancy to discuss the condition makes it seem rarer than it actually is – but in fact, one in four women older than 40 suffers from bladder weakness. The good news is there are exercises and products that can help women combat bladder weakness, and discussing the condition with a doctor can educate them on their options.”
To start, women should see their doctor to discuss their condition, how it is affecting their life and the options available. Some questions to ask your doctor are:
* How common are bladder weakness symptoms?
* What might be causing my bladder weakness?
* What type of bladder weakness do I have?
* What are the most effective treatments for this type of bladder weakness?
* Can lifestyle changes reduce the symptoms of bladder weakness?
* Is there anything I can do to strengthen my pelvic floor muscles?
* What can I do to manage my symptoms and protect myself from leakage?
* I frequently need to use the bathroom. Do you have any suggestions on how I can plan ahead for long trips, work or school?
* What kinds of products can I use to help me stay dry?
* Do you have recommendations regarding how I should speak with friends and family about my condition?
Most women with bladder weakness – two-thirds, according to the Bladder Talk survey – simply live with their symptoms because they are unsure how to manage the condition in their daily lives. Understanding the causes, treatment options and how to manage bladder weakness in their daily lives can help women feel more confident and in control.
One treatment option many doctors suggest is pelvic floor exercises. Having a strong pelvic floor (the muscles located on the underside of the pelvis) can vastly improve bladder control at any age, and also improves posture and tummy tone. Women can greatly increase tone and control over their pelvic floor muscles with simple, gentle exercises.
How you eat can also affect your condition. Certain foods, such a tomato-based and spicy foods, can irritate the bladder. Caffeine and alcoholic beverages also contribute to leakage, so stick to bladder-friendly liquids such as water, apple juice, grape juice and cranberry juice.
Bladder weakness products can also help women gain control and continue to live spontaneously. Today’s absorbent products are discreet and effective, an important factor for modern women. Women can find more information and expert advice about bladder weakness at www.tena.us.
Courtesy of ARAcontent